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handsworth park

handsworth park
beautiful park, however one setback is that whilst japping naam in this park, you may get mugged by kaleh

Monday 26 February 2007

sikhi is all about whats on the inside

haloo there sangat jee
wa gwan :-)
let us not forget that in this day and age the MOST important thing is that you are good on the inside
baba's alarm clock went off this morning at some abnormal time in the morning.
baba was about to get up and have a shower and begin meditation when suddenly baba thought "hang on a minute, baba doesn't have to get up, as long as baba is good on the INSIDE."
so baba threw baba's alarm clock away and went back to sleep.
Upon waking up a few hours later, baba went to the bathroom to have a shower, but baba then thought, hang on a minute, if baba is clean on the inside, baba doesn't need to be clean on the outside.
Baba therefore proceeded to get changed. Baba then had another brainwave, if baba is all great on the inside, baba doesn't really have to do nitnem bani, baba's nitnem is on the inside :-)
so feeling really happy baba set off to school.
Upon returning baba thought baba would give baba's hair a quick comb, BUT in the middle of this baba thought, wait there, whats the need for long hair, baba has got long hair on the inside.
So baba popped down to the barbers and asked for a quick hair do.
When baba returned baba was really getting into this new "all on the inside" thing, it seemed the perfect solution to all of baba's problems :-)
Baba then popped out to macdonalds for a quick meal, baba saw at the back that a smoker was making baba's food, but baba thought, as long as that person has love, surely it will be fine. So baba said, "excuse me mate, have you got love" and he said "yup matey, i got loads" so, feeling satisified with his response, baba sat down to the most scrumptious meal of a bean burger and fries :-)
Baba got home, and was tired so decided to get some rest.
However upon entering baba's bed baba found that baba's kirpan was causing baba unecessary discomfort.
Baba thought "you know what, its whats on the inside that counts, the kirpan is great and all, but no one is going to attack me in my room at night", and just to make sure baba locked baba's door.
So after hanging baba's kirpan up on the end of baba's bed, baba settled down for a great nights sleep.

good bye for now sangat jio