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handsworth park
beautiful park, however one setback is that whilst japping naam in this park, you may get mugged by kaleh

Thursday 17 January 2008

sikhsangat leh

The admin of the site "sikhsangat" have most definitely treated me in a biased and prejudiced manner. Firstly i received a warning for suggesting that there be a smagam arranged for gurpurab/s by the same singhs who arranged the smagam for baba thakur singhs barsi. other members had suggested the same thing, yet nothing at all was said to them. Apparently become some members had complained that i was trying to cause friction (just by asking for more smagams to be arraanged?) and therefore the admin had to take "necessary" action.
I had also been put under moderation previously for posting a picture of a gursikh in a thread where many pictures of many gursikhs had been posted, however because the gursikh i posted belonged to the wrong jatha, i was deemed to be trouble making and put under moderation.
My pm function was also banned. This is because i pm'd a member (LOTLS) asking in a polite manner to do veechar on some differences we had in gurmat belief. The member rather rudely told me not to pm them, via the forum. I then sent another pm explaining my stance and the member replied to this pm making some comments about me that could be deemed as offensive, (if the member did not want me to reply then surely the member should not have bothered pm'ing me back at all.) The member then decided to complain to admin that i was pm'ing them after they had asked me not to (rather like a 5 year old would run and tell the teacher off a fellow pupil for any stupid reason). Just because of this my pm feature was deleted. All of my pm's were deleted. So basically if anyone has ever pm's someone without the other person's permission, their pm function should be banned. Now this member, who enjoys complaining about petty issues, has been made a mod! Wow, what a great way to make this forum even MORE biased.
I then opened a ticket to ask about this strangely biased behaviour by the mods and admin, my questions were not answered, the mods decided that they knew my intentions better than i knew my own intentions and the ticket was closed. I then posted something in reply to a thread and asked the mods that if were not going to let my posts through then they may as well suspend it. However it was too much too hope for that the mods would realize that they had been prejudiced and take me off moderation, instead they deleted my account.
I think the admin of this site should be replaced, by fairer people and perhaps more mature people. Its got to the point where they are so bothered about who comes and visits their site that they have banned people advertising other sites more than once a month. Why would they do that? if the other sites contain gurmat, they should be bumped as often as there is an update, how is that going to effect the forum?
I think that if you ask anything that others may not like the answer to (whether it is a good question or not) the admin do not like it, and take action (in most cases, exaggerated action).
I think the admin should calm down a bit, and let people post what they want. Moderate the language and thats it.
Another example of biased admin, http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showtopic=33922
the only pro keski post was removed, whilst all of the pro kes posts remained.
ak-47 chatting nonsense about people trying to push their views, the person who posted in favour of keski was doing exactly the same as you did (posting their opinions) so you are trying to push your views too. Where did he say anything about making people take amrit again? So why dont admin delete ak-47's posts? ak-47 and others like to make up a LOT of fairy tales.
admin should moderate their posts.
wow, what a surprise, admin have now closed the topic on their forum, after issuing a load of lies, about me sending abusive pm's, about me trying to start jatha wars and deabtes.
It has become a common tactic of admin to say a load of rubbish, then lock the topic and threaten members with moderation if they reopen it, just so that no one can argue against their faulty points, and against their biased posting.
i asked to be remove from sikhsangat as it was a biased forum, hardly any of my posts could go through, so i was as good as deleted anyway.
please everyone go to tapoban.org, a much fairer forum, ALL VIEWS, and nearly all posts are allowed, without admin going around thinking theyre god, and deleting, banning, putting members under moderation.
i think admin of tapoban are more grown up.
members may be immature but admin have responsibilities to act mature.
in conclusion, sikh sangat is actually not sikh sangat, its bias admin sangat.